Doing quest turn ins, discovering new zones, etc., do not give your pet XP. So, if you’re 60 and leveling up a level 10 pet, then your pet needs 25% of the XP you needed at level 10 to reach level 11. Now, this would be the XP you needed at your pet’s level. The right is just info that's useful for my raidleading (unit frames, threat or dps charts etc).Let’s lay out the basics of how leveling a pet works in Classic WoW.Ī pet needs 25% of your XP to level. Personally It's the center and the left of my screen so I put everything that may be useful in those portions, my eyes are just kinda trained to look in those directions. Also try to think about where you spend a lot of your time looking. If you don't need it you shouldn't have it there. When your putting your UI together try to think of what info you NEED. I still like having a threat meter up but it doesn't server any real purpose with all the threat changes etc, I can't live without Serenity it is THE add-on for hunters!

Got sick of people trying to cheese the meters and messing up tacts. They are very useful to a certain extent, but definitely not if you're looking at it non stop to see if you're top dps or w/e because that's just a recipe for messing up.I've banned them in my raids. But they can be useful to track the damage on certain elements of a fight (blisterings, tendon dps, damage to globule etc) or just to see how you're comparing to the other people playing your class. Whether it be a Generic UI like Elv or Tuk, or your own piece of art (idle).Īgree, personally I don't use them and look at WoL after the raid.

you might be able to get a more exact number but I'm not so sure. I didn't configure it much so mine is in increments of 5. Rangedisplay is awesome, all it does is tell you simple how far you are from your current Target, and others like Focus and Mouseover. And it uses a system "similar" to World of Logs, tracking effective DPS/HPS instead of the other way, I forget what it's called. No more having Recount and Omen look differently. I like Skada because you can have multiple meters that look the same. There's other things but I don't use them. You can also have an Energy Bar, announcements for Enrage Dispels and Misdirections, and indicators telling you if you don't have Hunter's Mark on the target. Only thing I can't get it to do is track ICDs, if anyone can help me out with that, you are my savior. You can track buffs like Rapid Fire, Racials, Pots, Lust, VP Trink, ect on yourself. You can track your debuffs on your target. Serenity is AWESOME if you configure it correctly. Some "great" (imo) addons that you can use: Serenity, Skada, and Rangedisplay. If you happen to need that information, add it back in.Īlso, remember that we don't need the same information displayed more than once. If you don't use the information displayed on the screen, you don't need to have it, clean and simple. They can be quite small as they shouldn't be very important unless you are doing a mouseover Misdirection.

Please, for the love of anyone watching over your shoulder, seeing your UI on streams, videos, or the Post Your UI thread, delete clutter. In the end, some of those UI's look like this piece of work.
From talking to other people, watching streams, and youtube videos there are quite a few people don't know how to make a visually appealing UI that performs well.